Artist Protection Policy

Under our Artist Protection Policy, we will not accept any AI generated / assisted artwork, traced artwork, and/or heavily referenced artwork, to be sold at our event(s), and that any contravention of these rules will lead to a blacklist.

Prohibited List of Merchandise (Non-Exhaustive)

  • Artificial intelligence generated artwork or artwork made with the assistance of artificial intelligence;
  • Artwork which shows uncovered genitalia or, at the discretion of the organisers, is deemed to be too explicit to be displayed in public;
  • Artwork which is proven, or which is deemed at the sole discretion of the organiser, to be traced from another artist's artwork or from the official artwork of an IP;
  • Artwork which is heavily referenced from another artist's artwork or from the official artwork of an IP, to the point where a reasonable person of the public would believe it to be lacking in its own unique creative genius when compared with the alleged work that it was heavily referenced from (as per copyright laws of the applicable jurisdiction(s));
  • At the sole discretion of the organiser, artwork which is too heavily gore;
  • Artwork containing controversial and/or sensitive themes which do not abide by Singapore laws.

Artwork Restrictions

Booth owners are only permitted to display and sell goods that feature artwork of their own creation.

Permission for Art Usage

Booth owners must obtain written and signed permission before selling products that incorporate artwork from other artists or groups.

Content Guidelines

Booth owners are expected to use their discretion to avoid explicit content in their merchandise. The organizer reserves the right to assess whether any works breach these guidelines.

Prohibition on Pirated Goods

Booth owners are not allowed to sell pirated or bootleg items, such as figures not produced by the original maker or self-made merchandise using artwork from other artists or media.

Restrictions on Imported and Anime Goods

Booth owners are prohibited from selling parallel-imported or original anime merchandise. Those wishing to sell commercial items should apply for a Sponsor booth via emailing us at

Licensing Complaints

In the event of complaints from official licensors about items sold in an artist's booth, the organizing committee will take case-specific actions.

Enforcement of Rules

The organizer retains the right to remove any booth owner without issuing a refund if they are found to be in violation of the above rules.
For further clarification, please email